Previous Trainings
2023 Introduction to MERL Webinar - Jan 26
This training will get users started in working with the Michigan Engineers' Resource Library (MERL) and learn how to create estimates with the MERL Project Estimator. Topics include creating and editing project estimates.
2022 MERL Local Job Manager Webinar - Dec
Topics include:
- Daily postings
- Pay estimates
- Contract modifications
- Reporting
- Daily postings
- Pay estimates
- Contract modifications
- Reporting
2022 MERL Bid Utility Webinar - Dec
Topics include:
- Creating bid projects
- Entering bids
- Electronic bid submission
- Bid reporting and analysis
- Managing vendors
- Creating bid projects
- Entering bids
- Electronic bid submission
- Bid reporting and analysis
- Managing vendors
2022 MERL Project Estimator Webinar - Nov 10
Topics include:
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
2022 MERL Project Estimator Webinar - Nov 8
Topics include:
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
- Creating and editing project estimates
- Exporting and importing MERL data
- Generating reports
- Copying and merging estimates
- Managing average unit prices
- User-defined pay item codes
2022 MERL Local Job Manager Webinar - May
Training topics include daily postings, pay estimates, contract modifications, and reporting.
2022 MERL Bid Utility Webinar - May
Training topics include creating bid projects, entering bids, electronic bid submission, bid reporting and analysis, managing vendors.
2022 MERL Project Estimator - May
Training topics include creating/editing estimates, exporting/importing data, generating reports, copying/merging estimates, managing average unit prices, user-defined pay item codes.
2021 MERL Local Job Manager Webinar
Training topics include daily postings, pay estimates, contract modifications, reporting.
2021 MERL Bid Utility Webinar
Training topics include creating bid projects, entering bids, electronic bid submission, bid reporting and analysis, managing vendors.