Version History
MERL 2025.2
- Average Unit Prices:
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2020 Spec Year (including 1/1/2022 through 10/15/2024).
- Bid Utility:
- Added lines to Blank Bid Sheet report Contractor signature block: Printed Signer Name, Email Address, Phone #, Mailing Address.
- Fixed bug in Bid Comparison report which would sometimes display items out of order.
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 2/3/2025).
- Project Estimator:
- Fixed exception importing csv that includes blank lines or empty Pay Item Code cell value.
- User Management:
- Fixed bug which would not notify that a user cannot be deleted if they have one or more contracts checked out.
- Vendors:
- Updated MDOT Approved Vendor List.
MERL 2023.5
- General:
- SQL 2012 is no longer supported. MERL will no longer allow login to a SQL 2012 database. DO NOT UPDATE to this version unless your SQL Instance is 2014 or newer.
- New Features:
- Added support for SQL 2022. Note: Supported SQL Versions include 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2022.
- Average Unit Prices:
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2020 Spec Year (including 1/1/2021 through 3/31/2023).
- Export:
- Fixed exception exporting to Field Manager when one or more items have zero quantity.
- Project Estimator:
- Fixed bug merging estimates which would error out the Contract containing the estimate were selected rather than the estimate.
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 5/5/2023).
- Fixed bug in Estimate History which would not include history from a non-default Estimate.
- Vendors:
- Updated MDOT Approved Vendor List.
MERL 2022.11
- Average Unit Prices:
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2020 Spec Year (including 1/1/2021 through 9/1/2022).
- Estimator's Worksheet:
- Added option to search worksheet by Pay Item Code or Pay Item Description (including Supplemental Description).
- Export:
- Fixed exception exporting a contract after initial create and save.
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 10/24/2022).
- Vendors:
- Updated MDOT Approved Vendor List.
MERL 2022.6
- General:
- Fixed exception doing backup, restore, or create new database on a non-TDG SQL instance.
- Estimator's Worksheet:
- Fixed bug on certain screen resolutions which would prevent scrolling far enough to see the Breakdown ID column.
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 6/24/2022).
MERL 2022.5
- Average Unit Prices:
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2020 Spec Year (including 1/1/2021 through 3/31/2022).
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 5/27/2022).
- Project Estimator:
- Right-click on Pay Item in Pay Item List or Estimator's Worksheet will now change the selection to that row.
- Local Job Manager:
- Fixed exception loading Local Job list if there is an Estimate whose description is 255 characters long.
- Vendors:
- Updated MDOT Approved Vendor List.
MERL 2021.12
- Average Unit Prices:
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2012 Spec Year (including 2019-2021 through 9/30/2021).
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2020 Spec Year (including 2021 through 9/30/2021).
- Bid Utility:
- Fixed bug in creating a new Bid Project which was not correctly summarizing the same pay items.
- Pay Item Codes:
- Updated the 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 9/17/2021).
- Local Job Manager:
- Fixed bug in creating a Job which would round 3 digit prices to 2 digits.
- Fixed Postings, Pay Estimates, and Contract Mods to display 3 digits of precision for prices.
- Reports:
- Fixed bug in Engineer's Opinion of Costs report which was not correctly summarizing the same pay items.
- Fixed bug in Local Job Manager reports which would ignore the 3-digit precision setting for prices when set.
MERL 2021.1
Average Unit Prices
- Updated Average Unit Price data for 2012 Spec Year (including 2018-2020 through 12/31/2020).
Estimator's Worksheet
- Tweaked validation rule to identify a Lump Sum item whose total quantity across categories is not greater than 1.
- Tweaked validation rule on export to Trns*Port XML to identify a Lump Sum item whose total quantity across categories is not greater than 1.
- Fixed exception importing a MERL Contract File for a contract with a Bid Project that used a user-defined Vendor.
Local Job Manager
- Fixed exception opening a Contract with a posting with notes length > 2056 characters.
Pay Item Codes
- Updated the 2012 and 2020 Pay Item Codes list (as of 1/4/2021).
- Added label to Pay Item form to indicate the date the lookup data was last updated.